In situ, Latin for “in the appropriate place,” is a serial landscape arts project, run by a team of collaborators. The project is intended to function as a collective creative outlet, allowing like-minded souls the opportunity to give full reign to their talents in a setting beyond the workplace. Acting on a shared passion for nature, the team periodically identifies a remote bit of countryside and then sets about intervening, artistically. The intention is not to compel any specific interpretation, but rather to remind ourselves of nature’s grace and power, and of our place in it. The project additionally aims to showcase the team’s abilities: our innovative approach to research, technical expertise, artistic flair and our determination to see projects through. Each work is ephemeral, preserved in photography only, a medium that allows us to truly see and reflect on what we have created. 
Collaborators for both the designing and the building of the works are: Franco Fernandes, Marcii Goosen, Claire Johnson, Dale Lawrence, Christine Joubert, Bruce Mackay, Mareli Esterhuizen, Michael Lumby, Ethne Mudge and Roman Steinmetz. All photographic credit goes to the above list of people too. Copy credit goes to Ethne Mudge and Sean Christie. 
In Situ Kalkoennes and In Situ Tierkloof were produced by the team present at Clrs&Co between 2013 - 2014.
We thank TDC&Co for their support of this project.
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